Bio-identical Hormones

Hormone Replacement Therapy / Feel Good, Look Good, Live Better!

What are Bio-identical hormones?

Bio-identical hormones, or BHRT, are compounded at specialized pharmacies and are molecularly IDENTICAL to the hormones naturally produced in our bodies.  BHRT hormones include thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.  Sometimes, human growth hormone is tested as well.  Appropriate supplementation can be helpful and preventive. 

Bio-identical vs. synthetic

BHRT and synthetic hormones should not be considered the same or used interchangeably.  Medical literature supports the beneficial effects of BHRT.  Since these hormones are not synthetic, intuitively, they pose less harmful side effects or long term dangers.  A compounding pharmacy can produce BHRT in pills, capsules, injections, subcutaneous pellets, and creams that are customized to the patient’s needs. 

Do Bio-identical hormones alter aging?

Nothing reverses aging.  Eating well and fitness are the cornerstones to good health, but when hormones and nutrients are at an optimal level, the process of age deterioration is slowed while enhancing quality of life.  Additionally, even younger patients can benefit from bioidentical hormones.  Recent studies indicate that BHRT increase the breakdown of fat, raise energy and exercise capacity, improve vitality, strength, and muscle tone, enhance hair, skin, and nail health, improve sleep, reduce anxiety/depression, and lower cholesterol and triglycerides.

Many women go through a period of hormone fluctuations in the years before menopause.  This time can be tricky to live with, but we can help you feel better!  Once menopause hits, our ovaries stop working and they no longer produce estrogen.  A female’s levels of testosterone also start a gradual decline in their 30’s and more rapidly during their 40’s.

There is absolutely no reason for us ladies to accept these symptoms as a “normal part of aging”!!!!

Symptoms and Benefits

Common Symptoms

During Peri-Menopause and Menopause

Hot Flashes

Night Sweats

Mood Changes

Sleep Disturbances

Heavy or Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Low Libido or Sexual Dysfunction

Vaginal Dryness

Weight Gain

Hair Loss

Thinning Skin

Benefits of Hormone Optimization


Dramatic reduction in menopausal symptoms

(hot flashes, night sweats)

Improved Energy

Increased bone density

Improved memory, focus and cognition

Increase in lean muscle

Decrease in visceral fat and cholesterol levels

Reduced appearance of wrinkles and thin skin

Quality of sleep improves

Improved cardiovascular health

You start to feel like yourself again

Symptoms of Andropause

Changes in Sexual Function

Loss of Energy or Fatigue

Sleep Disturbances

Loss of Motivation

Decreased Mental Clarity

Mood Changes

Loss of Muscle Mass

Increase in Anxiety or Depression

Increased Prostate Size

Increase in Frequency of Urination

Benefits of Hormone Optimization


Improved mood and sense of well-being

Regain motivation and drive

Improved memory, focus and cognition

Increase in lean muscle mass

Increase in lean athletic performance

Decreased visceral fat and cholesterol levels

Improved quality of sleep

Increased sex drive

Improved sexual function

Improved cardiovascular health

Increased bone density

Decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease

Decreased risk of dimentia

You start to feel like yourself again

Symptoms and Benefits

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Pellet Therapy

Pellets, or implants, are made up of bio-identical hormones (testosterone or estrogen that are the exact formula your body manufactures) and are derived from natural plants that are pressed or fused into very small cylinders.  These are larger than a grain of rice and smaller than a “tic tac”. 

Data supports that testosterone implants effectively treat symptoms in both men and women.  Implants, placed directly under the skin, consistently release small, physiological doses or hormones providing optimal therapy without adverse effects. 

Why pellets?

Pellets deliver consistent, healthy levels of hormones for 3-4 months in women and 4-5 months in men. They avoid the fluctuations, or ups and downs, of hormone levels (roller coaster effect) seen with every other method of delivery.  This is important for optimal health and disease prevention.  Pellets do not increase the risk of blood clots like conventional or synthetic hormone replacement therapy.

While pellets seem to produce the most stable and effective results with the least amount of side effects, we also prescribe bioidentical hotlines in the following forms: creams, gels, oral, troche, and injections.

Low T Injections

If pellets aren’t your cup of tea, we can treat low T with synthetic injections. We know how hard it is for many men to visit the doctor, so we have streamlined our services: Make an online consultation appointment, have labs drawn, meet with our nurse practitioner in person, and we can have medications shipped to your home from that point on!We can also do the weekly injections in our office or we can have our patients administer the injections themselves.

Thyroid Optimization

There is nothing more frustrating than hearing about a patient who has been dismissed by their provider despite having every symptom of underactive thyroid: weight gain, no energy, hair falling out, dry and brittle nails, etc.  Your thyroid is the thermostat for your body, controlling metabolism and energy production.  We aggressively treat underactive thyroid and are confident we can get your thyroid “OPTIMIZED”, which translates to better energy and metabolism, among other things!


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a complex hormonal condition that impacts many women.  We have found the peptide semaglutide to produce phenomenal clinical results (weight loss, better mood, less acne and hair growth) but we also use genetic/micronutrient testing and hormone therapy to treat the root cause of this condition.

Autoimmune Treatment with LDN

There are many diseases which are considered “autoimmune”. Some of the most common include chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, etc.

Autoimmune diseases arise when the body’s immune system confuses “self” with “non-self” and starts to attack itself. Naltrexone, which has historically been used to TREAT opioid addiction, has been shown, in low doses, to be very effective at treating autoimmune conditions, neurological diseases, and even some cancers.

Low Dose Naltrexone is safe, effective, and is improving the lives of many who were previously debilitated by their autoimmune conditions.

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